Jonny Perl

Jonny Perl is a genealogist, DNA enthusiast and web developer based in Swansea, Wales. He is the creator and founder of, an award-winning website offering chromosome mapping, inheritance charts and other DNA tools. Jonny enjoys collaborating with others in the field to create innovative and interesting tools that help genealogists around the world interpret the results of their autosomal DNA tests.

With previous professional experience in online publishing, Jonny is now the author of the popular DNA Painter Blog, and also publishes a monthly newsletter with updates from across the world of genealogy, history and DNA.

Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Jonny has family roots in Ireland, England and Germany.


Thursday Featured ParticipantArtificial Intelligence and Genealogy Day

Friday Workshop: Connecting Matches Using DNA Painter Tools

Saturday Panel: DNA Panel Discussion

Saturday Enhanced Presentation: Interpreting DNA Matches: An Interactive Session