Tracing Ancestors from NY to Canada on North American Canals

Presented by Pamela Vittorio

2-Hour Workshop (Intermediate to Advanced)

The construction of the canals in New York State and in Upper & Lower Canada in the early to mid-nineteenth century made many things possible:  from moving people and cargo, to transporting languages, religion, and ideas across the borders. Beyond the U.S. or Canada census, finding ancestors who did business alongside the canals, owned boats, or worked as laborers may seem like a challenging task. In many cases, workers moved between counties in NY State and Canada to work on the artificial waterways.   

In this workshop, “hands-on” activities will allow attendees to gain experience with a variety of canal records, as well as surveys and cadastral maps.  Attendees will learn how to trace their ancestors’ most likely routes and pathways between NY State and Canada on the various canals—from the Erie and Champlain to the Welland or Rideau.