Pamela Vittorio

Pamela Vittorio

Pamela Vittorio is a historian, professional genealogist, and an Associate Teaching Professor (Research & Writing) in the English Language Studies Dept./Parsons School of Design, at the New School University, in NYC. She holds an M.A. from NYU, a genealogical research certificate from B.U. and a PLCGS in Canadian Studies and Librarianship from the International Institute for Genealogical Studies. She is a member of the APG, NE-APG, NY-APG, OGS, NYG&B, Bucks County PA Genealogical Society, Capitol District Genealogical Society, Connecticut Genealogical Society, NJ Genealogical Society, and various other organizations. She has been the VP of Programming for the Italian Genealogical Group since 2021. She is a mentor for GenProof Studies and the National Genealogical Society. Pamela’s research specialties include artifacts, DNA, African-American, Canadian, French-Canadian, Irish, Jewish, and Italian family history, transportation, and travellers/workers on North American canals.


Friday Workshop: Tracing Ancestors from NY to Canada on North American Canals

Saturday Presentation: A Connecticut Yankee in the King’s Rangers

Sunday Presentation: Mystery of the Black Dagger: A Canadian WWI Soldier’s Story